May 05, 2005

Cinco De Mayo - Does it really apply?

I have been reminded by newspaper ads and local neighborhood van an camaro drivers in my area, that today is Cinco de Mayo. Some of my relatives in Canada would think this is a new condiment to spread on a sandwich!

There are Mexican flags on hoods of cars and trucks driving around. Last year I saw some guys waving a huge ass Mexican flag out of a truck driving back and forth in front of the Walmart/Sam's. I do not even see Americans do this on the 4th of July!

Sometimes I really feel "white" in this neighborhood. I suppose me being a minority in this area does the trick! Hahaha. Don't get me wrong, I have NO PROBLEM with people coming to this country and living anywhere they can make a better life for their family. I wonder if I could get any cool benefits for something? Most families of the school my kid will be attending is non-english speaking.

I really do not see the point of all the hoopla. True, I am not Mexican nor Mexican-American, or have any Hispanic relations. I did however see a program about how this date really is not so important a holiday in actual Mexico (just in America).

I had a thought of advertisers latching on to the first catchy date that was discovered from people moving here,(since there are so many people immigrating to the U.S. from Mexico) and using it kinda like a "party" holiday. Like St. Patrick's Day, just different. Therefore more "stuff" could be sold, liquor, food, BBQ's, and anything else you can think of.

I wonder if this effects mattress sales as well (since it seems there is always a need to have a sale on mattresses)


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