June 10, 2005

I don't WANNA clean the house!

You can't make me do it! No no no no no no!

I woke up with that going through my brain.

Staying at home, pregnant with kids automatically makes you a maid. I LOATHE cleaning and picking up stuff I did not leave on the floor, counter, bathroom, where ever......

I feel gravity getting heavier, and heavier with each glance around the room at he toys and pillows, and games left.

I wish there was a magic wand I could wave *poof* All clean!

The only thing harder than gearing myself to clean up the joint, is trying and getting my kids to help do it (since it is their mess mostly) The whining of "I didn't put it there he did!" and "I don't want to..." is worse than just doing it.

Something tells me that I may have created my own monsters....still does not want to make me clean the house any more than before though.


At 11:26 AM, Blogger Jen said...

Ah yes, the "that's not MY mess" syndrome. I don't know how old your kids are, but they can eventually be reasoned with. You can remind them that you don't just cook food for yourself, and you don't wash laundry for yourself, and Daddy doesn't just work for money for himself (if that's how your family works, adjust it to suit you) and they can't just pick up toys for themselves because we're all a team. But, when they're little it's hard.

Big hugs to you! This part is so hard!


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