July 14, 2005

Feeling bad about a lack of family support. *RANT*

Turns out there is no family on either side that can watch our kids while my DH and I are in the hospital to birth the 3rd one. Not like we just sprung the pregnancy on them. I think nine months is plenty of time to figure out we are going to need assistance, especially after mentioning it repetitively.

I guess I am a bit jealous since everyone else I know has family that drops WHATEVER they are doing to help out.

I know my own grandma (the boys great grandma) would help, but she lives 500 miles away and is 84. The boys would send her to an early grave. That I would NOT want to happen.

My mom is shuttling my dad to Dr.'s offices, and my MIL got a job and will only be available in the evenings (which is nice, but does not cover the need since DH will probably be coming home to sleep). MIL also decided to go back to work last month (after spending the whole past year staying home because she was too busy to get a job) -CONVIENIENT!

DH and I have siblings, but they are all married without kids and would have to take time off work to help out. (HA) all that disposable income gone to waste, they just looked at e funny.

I keep wondering which of them will be coming over asking us to watch their kids when they need the assistance?

It makes me angry. Then I get even MORE angry when I think that if DH and I EVER want to take a vacation, we will have to take ALL the kids, since if it is this hard to find relatives to watch two of them, three will be out of the question. (I am still waiting on the honeymoon we never took)

DH put a request in to his church to ask if anyone is free to watch the boys. It would be nice if someone could help, but I feel bad having to ask.
Kinda screams "Their relatives must not care about them much."


At 6:17 PM, Blogger Jen said...

Oh man, that stinks!

I hope you find someone soon.

At 9:37 AM, Blogger L. E. said...

Note to follow up on above ranting....

After we put a request out in the church bulletin, my MIL (who attends the same church) all of a sudden had the time to watch the kids! Hmmm, I have to make a mental note about this for future events. I guess it was good in the end because no one else called to offer assistance.

I have decided that if people do not want to watch my children voluntarily, then I do not want to ever leave my kids with them.


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