March 31, 2006

When a Stay at Home Mom Gets Sick

Nothing changes. The husband still goes to work. The kids are still in need of everything. I am still sick and miserable. Since I am still nursing I cannot take too many cold medications for fear of them messing with the milk supply.

Today is garbage day. Normally yesterday evening would be the day to get it out to the curb. Well I put the cans out, since I was outside with the kids (nice day to play out). I mentioned to my husband that I did not gather all the little cans in the house. All he said was "oh". When I did it this morning and asked if he would put it in the can on his way out to the car for work, I got this look of "why don't you do it".

I have been sick since Monday and He has yet to help with ANYTHING around the house. The kids are home for spring break -NO break for me.

more complaining......

After he got home (we were outside) the kids wanted to go to the park with daddy. He did not want to go. Started complaining about how since I did not pick up dog poop that the kids do not want to play in the back, they track mud into the house and no one cares and it is a mess. However HE will not be bothered to lend a hand. Of course he wanted dinner too.

I take the kids to the park while he went in to watch the baby (who was sleeping). Come back home to make dinner. I have to get the baby up so he will go to bed. Start getting the stuff out to cook. The kids go back out to play. Keep baby occupied while cooking so that I can finish the meal. Then I have to make something else for the kids to eat. Put the food out for them all to eat. Sit down and nurse the baby. Meanwhile I do not get a thank you, or assistance THE WHOLE TIME!

It seems when I do ask for help I get the attitude of "I don't wanna", "Can't you do it yourself?", "I'm busy (doing nothing)", "No".

I have and idea for a mini vacation with the kids. He said "fine" but does not want to plan any of it or even give me any input for a date to pick. He only told me 2 days that are out. I was expecting more exchange of ideas and someone to co-plan this with. (Do I expect too much from my husband? If so how do I get past wanting a friend to do things with?)

I don't know how to help myself with this... Or get the help when I need it. I get depressed more often lately, I think, because of it.


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