I do not understand
When I ask my DH to watch the children *by himself* he always has a chip on his shoulder when I return. He has done this on other occasions but this was from today.
This morning was a quick trip to the pharmacy, when I get back he had done nothing other that hold the baby while he tried to get more sleep (it was after 6am). I came home and had to do one more personal task and then I took baby and got food ready for the kids.
After he got ready for work, he came down for breakfast. I was nursing baby (he did not want to wait).
I heard the coffee pot..(ah coffee, I did not start it today since the baby got fussy) After getting finished I went to the kitchen to get a cup. The pot was empty.
Hmmm. Odd I thought I heard it brewing. I touched the top and it was warm-but empty.
I peeked into the dining room and asked "Did you drink all the coffee?", thinking that he took a really big cup.
"No! I only made one cup" wha?!? I said "That was inconsiderate, you could have said something."
"You did not grind any more beans, you knew that the jar was getting low. I do not have time to do it. There was enough for one cup so I made that."
I said that I would have been more than happy to grind more and that I did not remember that the jar was low.
Then I said.."I apologize for assuming you did not consider me. However, I would have ground more beans if you would have said something."
Then came the slew of blaming me and how I could have done things differently.
I do not think this would have happened if he did not have to mind the kids.
It is confusing.
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