December 08, 2004

Nausea is Nuseating

I must be having a girl. I feel sick doing everything! That means even turning around, and standing up.

DH and DS are going swimming tonight, so I will have a quiet evening. All alone and ill to my stomach.

December 06, 2004

This is Garlic Basil Bubbles. Posted by Hello

Johnny Jump Up Posted by Hello

Monday, Monday

I broke my toe. It hurts like hell. I am naucious as well.

I am watching television. There is a fire in a Chicago high-rise at the moment on the television. It is a 42 story building and the fire is like half way up the building going 10 windows across. How does one get a ladder up there??

I do not see any ladder trucks out there from the pictures on the news. I hope no one gets hurt. Seems like there are some going to the hospital but nothing major so far.

I am tired. Being pregnant is tough. I cannot believe I am doing this again. All I want to do is sleep and sleep and sleep. I am so lazy too. I barely picked up the kitchen today.

December 04, 2004

Trying to make a new blog skin

I wish I could whip one out on FrontPage of something like that. I do not know the codes, and do not want to take the time to learn.

If there is a way and you are reading this please let me know..

December 03, 2004

purple corn flower Posted by Hello