September 24, 2007

September 22, 2007

Cool Lightning pic

I got this by googling but I cannot figure out what. My son whammed on the keyboard and the computer pooched out. *cringe*
If this is your pic please let me know and will post credit.

Look at the little forks! Awwww. :P

I found this in my cashed file. I wonder where I picked that up??

September 21, 2007

I have never felt so unmotovated in my life....

The sheer amount of toys and "what-nots" on the floor are paralyzing me. I am just frozen with the sheer amount of work I have ahead of me that will be for naught.

These children will NOT pick up after themselves!!! I have threatened, punished, grounded, charged $ for, and cried. Nothing is working.