May 19, 2005

Looking back at the budget - MONEY SUCKS!

It has been almost a year since I started this bloggy thinggy. I went and looked at my old posts from last July.

I knew that this budget phase was a yearly event. But I have proof now (well some) Last July I mentioned having to lose the cable and internet because of the over spending. My DH goes budget crazy every year and all spending must cease! We never did cancel them however.

This year, we did cancel the cable and internet as well as me doing the grocery shopping (DH does it on his way home from work without the kids) and other possible outings I was prior doing. I was accused of shopping on the internet too much. Odd, how else was I going to get any personal items without leaving the house (mainly due to illnesses and pregnancy). I think this view was mentioned by DH since my MIL mentioned about me spending too much money on the internet. He failed to mentioned to her that I do not go out to the store to shop very often. Then she asked if I was a compulsive shopper! WHAAAAA? Pregnant with two kids under the age of 5, who rarely goes out and only shops the internet for bra's, 5 christmas presents and 6 pieces of maternity clothing, A COMPULSIVE SHOPPER??! WTF! WTF WTF

DH goes to the wal store every day for something, we usually do not see what it was or have a use for what he gets-but ya know it all adds up..... I think the compulsive thing is pointed at the wrong person. But mommys will always defend their little boys from the women they marry.

Christ! Everything I buy is usually on the damn clearance rack and one season behind! Shit! I am thinking it is because even though I am a SAHM and we only have one income, even though DH denies it, he believes that I do not deserve to spend any money how I think it should. Everything I end up wanted to get is usually for the kids or the house.

Right now before the new one gets here, all I want to purchase is a swing set for the backyard. We do not have too much playing room in the front (due to the road). We have a huge backyard which would be nice to have the kids be able to run out and play when they wanted. I could keep an eye on them and take care of the baby (when nursing) there is enough yard that I could catch up to them before they left the property as well......

I have been told that $250 for a metal set from the Wall-marte is too much to waste. The financial planner we went to for advice said that we should try and get a free one since playsets only get used for about 12 years and then then kids forget about them..........This guy is so outta touch with people with toddlers..... I was fuming, but figured that a cheap set would be well worth the 10 years of use it would get....

WELL.......DH got a free set from some guys yard and it is un-usable. Free is not always good or usable. Maybe for firewood....... It is wooden, but all the wood needs to be replaced. Just the 4x4's will cost $108 not to mention he will have to do the work himself (which is very slow progress given the state of other projects started around the house)

I am just thankful that the cable is still on (they have not sent the signal to cancel it out yet) I will be going to the library eventually to play on the internet. The kids (I) need a little tv in the day to keep them occupied.

I hate money. I want to live on an island with a farm with chickens and call it a day. I am going to stop typing, I am getting a throbbing in my ears.....

May 18, 2005

Got my hair cut this evening.....

It turned out really short. I have a stumpy head, I think I look rounder if possible.

Three more days until the wedding (lots of pictures to be in even tho I am not the one getting married) I hope I do not look like crap.

I really like the lady who does my hair. I just do not want to look like crap......

May 16, 2005

A death row inmate has to be "HEALTHY ENOUGH TO BE PUT TO DEATH"???????? WTF!

Guy is supposed to be lethal injected and wants to give his sister his liver.... OK sound great to me. Might as well get some use out of his organs since they will not be needed in the near future...

But wait... "She (attorney) said doctors could take a piece of Johnson's liver in what is known as a "split liver" transplant. The remainder of the organ would regenerate and, in time, Johnson would be healthy enough to be put to death."

WHAAAAT???? I just do not get it..

this is the link to read the whole thing:

May 09, 2005

A blog to read

I ran into this blog, I like it. READ IT!

May 08, 2005

Office Supply Quiz Results

I am:
coffee filters
The old days of the grunting three gallon percolator are long behind us now. Praise the Lord!

Which office supply are you?

May 05, 2005

Formula 409 - Tips for the Lazy Maid

I hate cleaning the floor. I am not a maid, I suppose I would be paid otherwise...


I have found the quick lazy way of washing my floor - no water necesary (well maybe at the beginning)

1. Get your Roll-o-Matic out and get it wet in the sink and wring it out.

2. Get the 409 and pick your starting place.

3. Working backwards sprak the 409 on the floor directly and push around the Roll-o-Matic.

4. Continue #3 until the floors are competed.

5. Rinse out Roll-o-Matic

6. Have a coffee and watch a little Oprah. The floors look decent, no streaking or anything.

Of cource I have old tile with black grout.....Try it out sometime.

Cinco De Mayo - Does it really apply?

I have been reminded by newspaper ads and local neighborhood van an camaro drivers in my area, that today is Cinco de Mayo. Some of my relatives in Canada would think this is a new condiment to spread on a sandwich!

There are Mexican flags on hoods of cars and trucks driving around. Last year I saw some guys waving a huge ass Mexican flag out of a truck driving back and forth in front of the Walmart/Sam's. I do not even see Americans do this on the 4th of July!

Sometimes I really feel "white" in this neighborhood. I suppose me being a minority in this area does the trick! Hahaha. Don't get me wrong, I have NO PROBLEM with people coming to this country and living anywhere they can make a better life for their family. I wonder if I could get any cool benefits for something? Most families of the school my kid will be attending is non-english speaking.

I really do not see the point of all the hoopla. True, I am not Mexican nor Mexican-American, or have any Hispanic relations. I did however see a program about how this date really is not so important a holiday in actual Mexico (just in America).

I had a thought of advertisers latching on to the first catchy date that was discovered from people moving here,(since there are so many people immigrating to the U.S. from Mexico) and using it kinda like a "party" holiday. Like St. Patrick's Day, just different. Therefore more "stuff" could be sold, liquor, food, BBQ's, and anything else you can think of.

I wonder if this effects mattress sales as well (since it seems there is always a need to have a sale on mattresses)

May 02, 2005

Found an interesting Blog to Read (click here)

I actually read every post this afternoon. Very interesting take on NYC -a day in the life of a Waiter so to speak.

Never having been out of the midwest much, it was a good read.

Just in case the link is here too:

Living La Vida No Tamale

All my pregnant self wants is a tamale. Not one from the store, but a fresh one made by my Sister-in-Law's father.

My brother keeps telling me how many they got, how many they ate for dinner yesterday. Living far enough away no to be in his face much, I requested one to be put into freezer storage until I saw them next.



But I have been denied twice in 2 weeks! It is cruel and unusual to do this to a pregnant person.....

I am going to go eat a tub of chocolate frosting now....