July 17, 2005

Ah Sunday.....blathering time

DH brought home a copy of the new "Harry" book. (You know who I mean I am just too lazy at the moment to link it up all nice nice)

I was up till 1am reading the darn thing after going out for mini golf and dinner for our DS#1. We needed to have some alone time for just him before the baby gets here.

I was going to leave the book until today, but now that I started reading...All I want to do is keep reading the silly thing. I almost feel gluttonous in wanting to read it as much as I do.

It is such a good story however. The movie was adequate for people who cannot find the time to actually read the books, but they are missing out.

It is nice to see everyone on the planet reading and going nuts over something in print rather than DVD or movie format. I suppose the way it appeals to a large age bracket as well, supports all the sales. I for one figure more parents got the book for themselves rather than their kids. (We did!)

Hot again today. DH took the kids to a picnic with the IL's early before the sun gets too hot. I got all sweaty just putting the dog on her line this morning. It is only 4 feet from the back door, so it was not like I had to treck out to the way back yard to get there.

I LOVE AIR CONDITIONING! Next to indoor plumbing it is the greatest thing ever.

July 14, 2005

Feeling bad about a lack of family support. *RANT*

Turns out there is no family on either side that can watch our kids while my DH and I are in the hospital to birth the 3rd one. Not like we just sprung the pregnancy on them. I think nine months is plenty of time to figure out we are going to need assistance, especially after mentioning it repetitively.

I guess I am a bit jealous since everyone else I know has family that drops WHATEVER they are doing to help out.

I know my own grandma (the boys great grandma) would help, but she lives 500 miles away and is 84. The boys would send her to an early grave. That I would NOT want to happen.

My mom is shuttling my dad to Dr.'s offices, and my MIL got a job and will only be available in the evenings (which is nice, but does not cover the need since DH will probably be coming home to sleep). MIL also decided to go back to work last month (after spending the whole past year staying home because she was too busy to get a job) -CONVIENIENT!

DH and I have siblings, but they are all married without kids and would have to take time off work to help out. (HA) all that disposable income gone to waste, they just looked at e funny.

I keep wondering which of them will be coming over asking us to watch their kids when they need the assistance?

It makes me angry. Then I get even MORE angry when I think that if DH and I EVER want to take a vacation, we will have to take ALL the kids, since if it is this hard to find relatives to watch two of them, three will be out of the question. (I am still waiting on the honeymoon we never took)

DH put a request in to his church to ask if anyone is free to watch the boys. It would be nice if someone could help, but I feel bad having to ask.
Kinda screams "Their relatives must not care about them much."

July 12, 2005

Time to guess whom is stupider.

Is "stupider" a word? I dunno, but I think it would apply to this bank teller....

Robber uses drive thru to hold up bank

Bank hold ups usually happen inside the bank but a robber used the drive thru at the LaSalle Bank on Chicago's North Side Tuesday morning.

Chicago police say a man drove up and passed a note to the drive thru teller demanding cash. Investigators say the teller put about $56,000 in a canister and sent it to the robber. The bandit then drove away.

Authorities say the robber did not display a weapon.

Locking the door and calling the cops while the robbers car was being video taped, and then coming back to laugh at him through the teller window would have been what I would have done. I CERTAINLY would not have filled the bags with everything I had available!


How to get in and out of an OB appointment with lightning speed..

1. Get there 5-10 minutes early.
2. Bring your kids.
3. Feed them first so their blood sugars will peak when you actually have to be seen by the Dr.


Weekly visits to the OB's office for the pregnancy are hard to cover for my limited pool of babysitters. (the mom and the MIL)

I went in for the regular heartbeat check. I asked last week if I had to bring the kids, I wanted to make sure I was not going to have a "paper gown" visit. They said no, not a prob.

I do look forward to going alone, nice and quiet. I can pretend I am a grown up for a little while. This week no go....

After getting into the little room, the nurse said it was a paper gown visit. Looking at the kids, I asked if it was necessary this week since I will be back in 6 days anyway.

Needless to say after the Dr. came in, he suggested using the ultrasound machine to check what needed to be checked. MAN! Why don't they do that more often??? It was super quick, no paper gown.

July 10, 2005

Honking off the sister-in-law.

I have not pissed off any relatives in a while. I guess I was due. (sigh)

Brought our dog over to the Parents house to go swimming with the kids. SIL and brother had their two already there. Not a problem (I thought) Let 'em sniff each other thru the fence. If there was a Kujo-like reaction, we would just keep them separate until we left. Well as dogs do, they barked at each other, which sent SIL into paranoid-dog-mommy mode. (can you guess that, she has no kids yet?)

Well as the afternoon went along, brother and I decided to introduce the dogs away from their "mommy", things were fine. (Heck they were fine with a 2 and 5 year old running around all afternoon)

Things were fine until "mommy" came out to check progress. Her female dog and ours (female as well) decided to tangle briefly. (Alpha female thing dogs do.) This totally freaked her out, dogs were fine just testing each other to put the pecking order in place.

Eventually after coaxing her into a state of calmness (the SIL) we got the dogs in the back yard to run around (without the kids in the way) and play. Our dog was content to hang out by me, but brother kept trying to get them to play together, which worked fine for a little while, then girls decided to tangle again.

Well, that was enough for SIL, just keeping them separate was not enough anymore, she wanted to go home. They took their dogs and left. I saw her on the IM and asked if things were alright, but she hung up on me, so I am assuming things did not get any better even though they left.

I have had pets and when dogs really hate another dog they are very vicious. The girls were just jockeying for position like huskies like to do. Lots of noise and slobber, but no real biting and no injuries. My dog is so laid back, I should have been the one going "Oh my poor doggie!", but they are dogs, they do things the doggy way, not the human way.

I hope they do not have real children any time soon. I think she needs to work through some stuff. She was more worried about her dogs than our kids. Still, I did not and do not want her to get mad with me. I suppose it is her decision in the end though, eh?

July 08, 2005


Is it me, or is there McDonalds commercials EVERYWHERE?!?!

I just saw one on PBS! My 2 year old goes BONKERS whenever he sees a McD's in the car. He LOVES to eat the food there. Now every time there is a commercial on he RUNS into the room yelling MiDONILDS!, MiDONILDS!

I find it quite annoying, since we cannot afford to eat there all the time.

No one runs into the dining room yelling "Yay! Mom's cooking!".

19 days left

Baby day is in 19 days. I am getting tired of being tired. I miss being able to bend at the middle to pick up toys and clothes off the floor without all the blood rushing to my head. I have tried squatting to get closer to the messiness, but my centre of gravity is off so I usually end up tipping over like a Weeble (however I DO fall down!).

I really need to clean up the kids room again. I would rather sleep all day. I still have to finish the baby blanket I started about a year ago.

Need to feed the kids. They do not want the regular toast cheese and fruit for brekfast. Nor do they want cereal. I wish I had a short order cook laying around.

July 05, 2005

The Parrrtaaay is OVER.

The birthday is behind me and the 4th is finished. The kids had a decent time I think. When you are 5ish you never give a straight answer. It may lead to cleaning up your room or something like that. Not a chip or piece of candy left in site though.

Nothing to do but clean up the clutter---again... I really need to find a maid that works for food or something.

Jen at Jen's Horde has a crochet post that defies words. You can check it out here.

All I can re-say is EWWWWW.

I do however want to finish some crochet projects all of a sudden tho. Blankets-I am just working on blankets.

July 01, 2005

9 months pregnant and mowing the lawn

Should I? My hubby is SO SLOW at it and DS's party is tomorrow. Before I got pregnant, I could finish the yard in 2 hours....He spent that long on just the back (the way back where we are not going to be)

The shade tent will be here this afternoon and the weeds are enough to trip up little kids. I just want it done. There is enough inside to do as well, but since the party is outside.......

Would this be considered nesting? I suppose if I gathered up the lawn clippings and made a bed out of them, eh?

I suppose the down side is early labor. hmmm

Over critical? I dunno.

People in the news that are bothering me #1

Currently it is Tom Cruise. Do a Google on him, he is definitely taking a different spin on planet earth.